FormsExternal Forms Applications & Forms to Seal or Expunge Criminal Case (via Clerk of Court) Downloadable Forms(For use if you are representing yourself - Pro Se) Motion for Return of Property (Updated: 03/07/2023): English | Spanish Motion to Modify or Reduce Sentence (Updated: 03/07/2023): English | Spanish Motion to Modify or Terminate Probation or Community Control (Updated: 03/07/2023): English | Spanish Motion to Modify the No-Contact Order (Updated: 03/07/2023): English | Spanish Motion to Withdraw Capias (Updated: 03/07/2023): English | Spanish Downloadable Publications and information Juvenile Arrest Avoidance Program Guide for Children and Parents: You are under 18 and have been arrested, now what happens? Guide for Children and Parents: You are being arraigned for a crime in juvenile court, what happens now? Guide for Children and Parents: Benefits of Having a Lawyer Guide for Children and Parents: Consequences of a Plea in Juvenile Court Guide for Children and Parents: Know Your Record Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Terrorism Assistance for Returning Citizens - Share the Good News Flyer Assistance for Returning Citizens - Instructions for Registering to Vote Assistance for Returning Citizens - Florida Voter Registration Applicaiton Assistance for Returning Citizens - Florida Voter Registration Applicaiton Spanish Assistance for Returning Citizens - League of Women Voters' of Florida Business Card